Importing existing testimonials into Reviewpal couldn't be easier. A powerful way of doing that is via a CSV file. This guide talks you through how it works.
Firstly, head to Import from a CSV file. You can reach this page by clicking on the "Add or import" button on the testimonials page.
Step 1
Click the "Download CSV template" button to save a file to your computer that reflects the fields you set up in your EndoForm.
The CSV template will look like this:
Add as many rows containing your customer data to the file as you like and then save it.
Step 2
Upload your completed CSV file to Reviewpal using the "Upload testimonials CSV" button and allow the importer to pull through your testimonials. Once complete, you'll be able to see your freshly imported testmonials on the testimonials page.
Congratulations, you've imported your existing testimonials!