Review Marketing: Tutorial

Review Marketing in Reviewpal enables you to post your most valued testimonials to a variety of social media channels. A scheduling feature allows you to choose the date and time that these are sent.
By using Review Marketing, you are able to extend the potential reach of your best testimonials and get them seen by your different social media audiences.

Quick Start

Click on Review Marketing in your Reviewpal dashboard sidebar to view the feature.
On this page, you will see four tabs; 'Queue', 'Setup', 'Social accounts' and 'Schedule'. Each tab opens a new section on the page.


Here you can see how many posts are currently queued, with each post shown in a list for each social media channel.
You also have two buttons, one that allows you to add existing approved testimonials and another clear the queue (and remove the posts).


This section enables you to choose the criteria for the testimonials that can be queued and scheduled, and to set the theme for the post. The settings operate in a similar way as for Widgets.

Social accounts

Here you can activate and log in to the social accounts you wish to use in Review Marketing.
If you have any issues logging in and accessing the account, please see the Troubleshooting section at the end.


This enables you to choose a date and time for the testimonials to be posted to the selected social media channels. Each date and time selected is for posting one testimonial. The schedule will repeat each week until you adjust it, or deactivate the social media account(s).


Using the right settings and criteria, you can automate the posting of your testimonials and put them in front of new audiences. This can significantly increase your social proof and help build confidence in your brand.


A good setup of Reviewpal’s Review Marketing will enable you to post your best testimonials to your most important social media channels. Based on the nature of social media pages and audience expectations, the key here in most cases is to put an on-going process in place, focused on quality over quantity.

Selecting your Best Testimonials: Setup

Aim: your best testimonials are ready to be queued and posted to your selected social media channels
Start by clicking the 'Setup' tab. You should see the 'Testimonials Settings' header.
Testimonial Settings
This part of the setup enables you to choose your criteria for which testimonials should be available to post to your social media channels.
Minimum rating
Select a rating between 1 and 5 to match the minimum testimonial rating you require. Any testimonials with a rating below this will not be added to the queue.
Maximum quote
characters Choose the maximum characters a testimonial can have to be accepted in the queue.
Show testimonial source (Facebook/Google etc)
The posted testimonial can show the original source. This can be useful to help build trust. You can turn it on or off.
Show Reviewpal branding
Select whether Reviewpal branding will show or not. The branding will show that your testimonials are verified by Reviewpal.
Show recency
Show the date on each posted testimonial when it was created or imported
Here you can decide on the overall look and format of your posted testimonials.
Select theme
Choose from a selection of testimonial themes designed by the Reviewpal team. As you view each theme, you will notice layout and font size differences, to enable you to find the best one for your social channels.
You can turn Card Layout on or off. When it is activated, it adds a card-style view including rounded corners and shadow.
In this area, you can select different colours for each part of the testimonial view.

Choosing the right social channels: Social Accounts

Aim: select, log in and give your testimonials access to your chosen social media channels.
This section enables you select your preferred social media channels. There is also the option to connect to Zapier (coming soon), opening up the options beyond those provided by Reviewpal.
Connected Accounts
Activate each social channel by turning on the toggle on the right-hand side
When activated, to select this channel click 'Continue with LinkedIn'. This will open an external window or tab that logs in directly to LinkedIn, giving access to Reviewpalto post your testimonials.
Once activated, to select this channel click 'Continue with Twitter'. This will open an external window or tab that logs in directly to Twitter, giving access to Reviewpal.
After activated, clicking 'Continue with Facebook' will open a popup box. In this box, if not already logged in to Facebook, you will be asked to log in.
You will then have the option to 'Continue as ...'. To ensure Facebook has the correct access: - click 'Continue as ...'
  • select the page or pages you want to use
  • click 'Next'
  • ensure all permissions are set to 'Yes'
  • click 'Done'
Instagram (coming soon)
When activated, you will be able to log in to Instagram and post your selected testimonials there. This feature is coming soon.
Zapier (coming soon)
When activated, you will be able to log in to your Zapier account and link to other services through Zapier. This feature is coming soon.
Note: Once you have completed the above steps to activate and give Reviewpalaccess to your selected social channels, click 'Update Setup' at the bottom of the page.

Choosing the days and times for your posts: Schedule

In this section you can use Reviewpal’s powerful scheduling to pick your preferred time(s) and day(s) for when Reviewpal will post to your activated social media channels.
Publishing Schedule
This is divided into timezone selection and a weekly scheduling tool.
Select your timezone
Ensure that the correct timezone is selected so the times selected match expectations.
Set your schedule
Here you have the real power of the scheduling side of Review Marketing. You can choose the day and time of day for the posting of your testimonials. You can make more than one selection.
Some things to consider:
  • at each time selected, one testimonial is posted to the activated social media channels
  • once the schedules are in place, the process is automated and the week repeats
  • only approved testimonials that are queued will be posted by the scheduler


Reviewpal’s Review Marketing feature is a powerful tool to expand the reach of your highest rated testimonials. When combined with the other features Reviewpal provides, you can ensure your testimonials have maximin impact on your website and social channels.